Exchange Visitors Group Medical Insurance

Exchange Visitors Group Medical Insurance

ExchangeGuard® Group

Underwriter: Lloyd's


After deductible, pays 100% to policy maximum, or
After deductible, pays 80% to policy maximum.
Outside PPO Network: After deductible, pays Usual, Reasonable, and Customary to policy maximum.

Direct Billing

Acute onset of pre-existing conditions

Coverage after 6 or 12 month waiting period, $500 per certificate period
  • $15 copay, unless $0 deductible
  • $15 copay, unless $0 deductible
  • Included

Patriot Group Exchange Program

Underwriter: SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation


Within PPO network: After deductible, plan pays 90% up to $10,000, then 100% up to the policy maximum.
Outside PPO network: After deductible, plan pays 80% up to the policy maximum.
Outside US: After deductible, covers at 100% up to the policy maximum.

Direct Billing

Acute onset of pre-existing conditions

Coverage after 12 month waiting period, $500 per period of coverage, $1,500 maximum. US Citizens: Sudden & Unexpected Reoccurrence: Medical up to $5,000
  • To policy maximum
  • Included